If you are thinking about setting up your own business in the Sydney area, this article was written with you in mind. Every business wants to be as close to the CBD as possible, yet with serviced offices, you can have that prestigious office address in the Sydney CBD for a very reasonable cost. The list of services is indeed long and includes the following:
- Mail forwarding – Have all surface mail forwarded to an address of your choosing.
- Virtual reception services – Your CBD telephone number can be covered by a virtual receptionist, who is located at a call centre, not that the caller would know, and the receptionist would follow your instructions, using your script. Serviced offices in Sydney are available at affordable rates, and this is the best way to project a successful image, while also remaining in control.
- Office hire – In the event you wanted to hold a business meeting, state-of-the-art facilities would be available to rent by the hour or day, whichever suits you. If, for example, you are planning to invite a potential client, your signage can be put up, and you can use the office as if it were your own, which, in a way, it is.
- Message Taking – This can be a tailored service, and all incoming calls can be messaged to your selected platforms, such as Line, WhatsApp and other digital formats. Call forwarding is very popular, as this allows you to answer all incoming calls, one the virtual receptionist forwards the call to your mobile number.
The Right Image
People like to do business with successful people, and if you have a prestigious Sydney CBD address, you are halfway there, and with professional receptionist services, your image will be one of professionalism and efficiency. If you would like to know more about serviced offices, a Google search will reveal a list of providers and you can check out what they are offering, and choose the best deal.
Put the Best Foot Forward
When you have an impressive CBD address and a professional receptionist answering all incoming calls, you pretty much have it nailed, and as you are always in control, your business will reap the rewards. Talk to a leading provider and if you would like to try out any of their services, they would be more than happy to oblige, and you are not tied to a lengthy contract, rather the service is month by month and can be cancelled at any time.